Category Archives: Ward Bond

Memorial Day.

No movie drives home the sacrifice and loss of war quite like John Ford’s They Were Expendable (1945). It’s certainly not your typical war-movie-made-during-a-war. There’s no propaganda here. And it gets my vote as the greatest war movie ever made.

Give all that, it’s a good film to put on today, as we mourn and honor those who’ve given their lives in battle for this country. And to the many who made that sacrifice not in the movies, but in combat, I’m forever in their debt.


Filed under John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

Screening: The Quiet Man (1952).

Directed by John Ford.
Starring John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Ward Bond

This is the 70th anniversary of the release of John Ford’s The Quiet Man (1952), and TCM is celebrating it with a couple screenings around St. Patrick’s Day — March 13 (tonight) and 17 (Thursday). Sorry for the short notice.

Click here to find “a theater near you.”

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Filed under 1952, John Ford, John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Republic Pictures, Screenings, Ward Bond